
General Fee (after 20 May)

$400/ person
  • Get Access to all Sessions
  • Access to Coffee Breaks
  • Meet with Favourite Speakers
  • Free Abstract book
Best Package

Early Bird (from 1 April)

$300/ person
  • Get Access to all Sessions
  • Access to Coffee Breaks
  • Meet with Favourite Speakers
  • Free Abstract book

Student (MSc, PhD)

$150/ person
  • Get Access to all Sessions
  • Access to Coffee Breaks
  • Meet with Favourite Speakers
  • Free Abstract book

The price for Accomponying Person is $100

The price for Bachelor students is free

Payment methods

Please send  a copy of the bank transfer as a proof of payment to  The receipt of payment will be acknowledged via an e-mail within a week .  If not please contact to or

For international participants

Please transfer the registration fee to Account Holder: “Institute of Batteries” LLP

  • Bank: “Halyk Bank Kazakhstan”
  • Account Number (KZT) IBAN: KZ546017111000003087
  • Account Number (USD) IBAN: KZ576017111000015352

The payer must pay his/her bank charges incurred for this transaction.

For local participants

Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью “Институт аккумуляторов” БИН 131240002130; 010000, Республика Казахстан, г. Астана, ул. Мустафина Г., дом № 7/2, к.38

  • ИИК KZ546017111000003087 (KZT)
  • KZ576017111000015352 (USD)
  • в АО “Народный Банк Казахстана”; БИК HSBKKZKX; КНП 859; КБе 17
  • Назначение платежа (опционально): регистрационный взнос INESS 2024 за Иванова И.И.

Также можете оплатить через приложение Homebank